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Journey to a New You


It is easy to set new goals at the beginning of each year but much more difficult to achieve them. We tend to start off excited and motivated, but by July less than 40% will

Journey to a New You2015-12-23T10:07:22-06:00

Small Changes for More Energy


Do you battle constant fatigue? Here are ideas of how food can give you more energy: Do not eat sugary foods by themselves, and limit daily intake to 10 percent or less of your total

Small Changes for More Energy2016-11-04T06:25:55-06:00

Small Changes


The beginning of the year is a wonderful time to tune up our lifestyle and make small adjustments to our health habits. Even the smallest changes in your eating style can have dramatic effects on

Small Changes2016-11-04T06:25:55-06:00

Resolutions and Lifestyle Changes


Are you ready to make 2015 the best year yet? With New Year’s resolutions in place, you may feel excited and eager to make healthy changes. As you might have experienced in the past, often

Resolutions and Lifestyle Changes2016-11-04T06:25:55-06:00

New Year Resolutions


I like the start of a new year for all the potential it represents. It’s also a time to reflect on the past year. We can notice our accomplishments and challenges and note where we

New Year Resolutions2016-11-04T06:25:55-06:00

Look What’s New at JTA for 2015!


Some very exciting opportunities are going to be taking place at JTA Wellness in 2015! Here is a sneak peak of what’s to come! Coach Yourself Thin - Are you tired of being stuck in the

Look What’s New at JTA for 2015!2016-11-04T06:25:55-06:00

Holiday Survivial Tips


The main theme of December was learning how to make wise and healthy choices over the holidays. Most people attend numerous holiday gatherings and try to do their best at maneuvering all the delicious temptations

Holiday Survivial Tips2015-12-28T10:45:18-06:00

The Gift of Good Health


Good health is priceless. Give yourself the best gift possible and add to your health toolbox today! Consider the following health tips: Managing your appetite. If food is your constant companion, try doing deep breathing

The Gift of Good Health2015-12-28T10:53:57-06:00

Healthy Holiday Tips


Most people enjoy the holiday season, but some of us just try to survive. Here are a few tips one of our clients used during this busy time. Holiday Tips: Join in a holiday run.

Healthy Holiday Tips2016-11-04T06:25:55-06:00

Coach Yourself Thin


Change Your Relationship with Food and Create Your Best Health Ever! Are you frustrated with not being able to lose weight and keep it off? Yes____ No _____ Are you stuck in old patterns and

Coach Yourself Thin2016-11-04T06:25:56-06:00

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