Make Sleep a Priority!
Most of us think a highly scheduled life is confining. We want to be more free-spirited! However, it is a proven fact that we all function best when we follow a routine. If you are dealing with fatigue and low energy throughout your day, this article is for you!
It is important to schedule sleep just like any other daily activity. Put it on your “to-do list” and cross it off every night. Don’t make it the thing you do only after everything else is done – that will never happen! When bedtime rolls around it is time to stop doing other things and go to bed. To find out how much sleep is recommended for your age group, click here.
Erratic sleep patterns can leave you feeling out of whack, so a regular sleep schedule may be exactly what you need. Just a few adjustments to your daily routine can help you go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. These tips will help you take control of your internal clock.
Be Consistent.
Pick a bedtime and a wake-up time—and stick to them as much as possible. Life will inevitably interfere, but try not to sleep in for more than an hour on Saturdays and Sundays to stay on track. That way, your body’s internal clock—also called a circadian rhythm – will get accustomed to a new bedtime, which will help you fall asleep faster and wake up more easily each morning.
Make Gradual Adjustments.
You won’t be able to change your sleep schedule overnight. The most effective tactic is to make small, slow changes. If you’re trying to go to sleep at 10:00pm, rather than midnight, for example, try this: For the first three or four nights, go to bed at 11:45pm, and then go to bed at 11:30pm for the next few days. Keep adjusting your sleep schedule until you get to your desired time. By working in 15-minute increments, your body will have an easier time adjusting.
See the Morning Light.
Your body’s internal clock is sensitive to light and darkness, so getting a dose of the sun first thing in the morning will help you wake up. Opening the curtains to let natural light into your bedroom or having a cup of coffee on your sun-drenched porch will cue your brain to start the day.
Dim the Nightlights.
Likewise, too much light in the evenings can signal your body to stay awake. Avoid computers, tablets, cell phones, and TV an hour before bed, since your eyes are especially sensitive to the blue light from electronic screens.
Skip the Snooze Button.
Though it’s certainly tempting to hit the snooze button in the morning to get a few extra winks, resist. The first few days of getting up earlier won’t be easy, but post-snooze sleep isn’t high quality. Instead, set your alarm to the time that you actually need to get up. Within a few days, your body should wake up naturally after a full night’s sleep and you’ll feel most alert if you wake up without an electronic aid.
Food for Thought.
It’s not just what you eat—it’s when you eat. While you know that it’s not a good idea to go to bed on an empty stomach, being stuffed is just as bad. Having dinner around the same time every night will help keep your whole body on track. Limit how much you drink before bedtime to avoid trips to the bathroom in the middle of the night. A good rule of thumb is to eat your last meal two to three hours before bedtime. Often a small bedtime snack that blends carbohydrates and protein together, such as cheese and crackers, or wheat toast with almond butter, will help you sleep more soundly through the night. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, and alcohol in the evenings, since those stimulants take hours to wear off.
I love grilling in the fall in South Texas! Today’s recipe for Asian Flank Steak is deliciously light, but full of flavor. Your family will love it.
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