Are you ready to make 2015 the best year yet? With New Year’s resolutions in place, you may feel excited and eager to make healthy changes. As you might have experienced in the past, often times, our resolutions fizzle out and we fall back into old habits. This year, we encourage a focus on changing your lifestyle and habits rather than a quick fix.

Here are a few ideas to help make this happen:

  • Start Small. Rather than “I’m going to lose 50 pounds!” why not resolve to a much more manageable goal of losing 10 pounds?  Chip away at your weight loss goal and reward yourself for the small victories.
  • Be Reasonable. Take a look at your schedule and ensure goals are obtainable. For instance, start with a brisk walk in your neighborhood for 30 minutes a few times a week and build from there.
  • Don’t Deprive Yourself. Moderation is key. Deprivation dieting never works long term.  Learn how to truly savor smaller portions of the foods and beverages you love.
  • Give Yourself the Opportunity to be Successful. Small successes breed confidence, and confidence gives us the courage to continue toward our goal.  Celebrate each goal achieved, no matter how small with things other than food to prevent temptation.

If you use these tips above, image where you will be in a year from now! Instead of looking back and wishing you had made changes, we believe you can and will be successful in achieving your goals for 2015.