June: Men’s Health Month
Some people don’t believe in heroes—and it’s probably because they have never met the men in my life. I have been blessed to know men who consistently show honor, discipline, integrity, and devoted sacrifice to their family and friends in every aspect of their life. Unfortunately, (probably because of these amazing qualities) research shows that many men struggle to make time to care for their own health.
I feel privileged to be writing about Men’s Health Month, for today’s article, in honor of the sizzling-hot men we all love so much!
I decided that I better do the deed right- prior to writing this article, I did a little research to get a real man’s perspective on health. I conducted a brief, informal survey of a few of my closest male friends, asking them to list their strongest motivators for seeking good health. Here are a few of their top answers:
- Build stamina to keep my competitive edge
- Tone and build muscle, and reduce body fat
- Maintain an attractive, healthy body shape
- Prevent future health issues
So, I came up with 3 fast and simple tips to help our busy guys meet their health and fitness goals:
- Add 15 minutes! Decide now to add 15 minutes of high intensity movement to your day. Studies show that adding this short burst of energy to your current workout routine can increase stamina, reduce body fat and burn more calories. For example: do 50 jumping jacks after every two blocks during your morning walk/run.
- Drink less… Alcohol! Drinking more than 2 drinks/day is considered a risk factor for chronic disease, and definitely hinders your fitness goals. If you drink alcohol, try replacing one drink a day with a 12 oz glass of water. Not only will you be healthier, but you will be amazed at how much better you feel the next day. Much of the ‘blah’ feeling we get after drinking, is from dehydration.
- Get your Zzz’s! Men need to aim for 7 hours of sleep every night. Try a little experiment- for the next 30 days, go to bed 15 minutes earlier than your normal bedtime. Doing so will improve your stamina, focus and energy level.
This month our thoughts turn to the special men in our lives, who honorably and bravely serve our families and communities. Going along with our “sizzling” topic this month, JTA Wellness will be featuring recipes perfect for this hot summer month. Savor… the Sizzle!
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