JTA Wellness is happy to present the newest member of our team! Katie Gaebel will be joining us as a Child Behavioral Specialist providing counsel and direction to parents on how to set good boundaries and reasonable behavioral goals for their children. Katie has a Master’s degree in counseling and is a teacher with over 35 years of experience in the classroom training young children.
With Katie’s background, JTA is better equipped to help parents navigate the difficult waters of dealing with children struggling with eating disorders, obesity and picky eating. Katie’s expertise is to teach parents coping tools and strategies to create a healthy, happy home environment.
Katie’s unique approach has already been life changing for some of our families! If you would like to schedule a session with Katie, call our office at 210.545.4422.
I’ve asked Katie to write a guest blog for our newsletter today to give you a glimpse into the insight and direction she can give your family. Take a look at what she has to say about the difference between praise and encouragement.
Katie, welcome to our JTA family!
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