As parents, we have a profound influence over our child’s perception of the world, and are deeply responsible for instilling self-confidence, as well as molding personal values. We are also greatly accountable for our child’s health and well-being. One of the best teaching tools available to a parent is the ability to lead by example. Albert Einstein wisely stated, “Example isn’t another way to teach; it is the only way to teach.” This sentiment is especially true in regard to teaching healthy habits.
The Journal of American Medical Association estimates that approximately 17% of (or 12.7 million) children and adolescents (aged 2-19) in the United States are obese. The obesity epidemic in America is further exaggerated by the growing population of obese adults, now amounting to 34.9% of (or 78.6 million) American adults. A recent study released from the Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics revealed that the most significant predictor of childhood obesity is maternal/paternal obesity. That’s right, parents- YOU are the most powerful influence (for good or bad) in your child’s life, including friends, television, and advertisements.
Back to school season is a great time for new beginnings (for both children and adults). During this next school year, our impressionable children will soak up tidbits of truth, as well as falsities, pertaining to their body image and of what “healthy” means. Many of these influences- the media in particular- do not have the purest of motives. It is our responsibility as parents to show through example and love what living a healthy lifestyle is all about.
This new school year, I urge to make your personal health and wellness a priority and lead the way for your children. Monkey see- monkey do; healthy habits start with you.
This week’s recipe, Baked Blueberry French Toast, is a delicious healthy breakfast option for you and your children. Enjoy!
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