Most of us have had some experience with cancer.   Whether it has affected our friends, family or we’ve had a personal experience with this dreadful disease, it has touched us, left an indelible mark on our lives and has left us forever changed.

My father died of prostate cancer at 67, my uncle died of brain cancer in his early sixties and my pastor from Lubbock just died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 58. All of these men had an incredible influence in my life.  These deaths are my personal reminder that while we have come so very far in our treatment options, there is still much to be done as we strive to find a cure for cancer.

April is National Cancer Control Month.  It is a time set aside for us to contemplate what practical steps we can take to avoid this awful disease.  Did you know that the biggest opportunities we have to help control cancer are within our own personal control?  The very best tools we have to prevent cancer are to maintain a healthy weight through wise food choices and reasonable exercise, avoid exposure to UV sunlight, moderate alcohol consumption and stop smoking and/or using other tobacco products.

At JTA Wellness, we have spent the last 6 months delving into current research on how to use food to help prevent and/or manage chronic disease.   The studies we have reviewed have lead us to solid evidence that the anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle have great merit in preventing or even reversing a myriad of diseases including some types of cancer.  We believe so strongly in the benefits of adopting an anti-inflammatory diet that we are hosting an event on May 6 from 5:00 to 6:30 at Sonterra Country Club.  Eat Well to BE Well . . . a Realistic Approach to Anti-Inflammatory Living will feature a brief description of anti-inflammatory foods, a light meal prepared using recipes from my new cookbook that will be released later this year, a goodie bag loaded with healthy treats and coupons, drawings for giveaways to our cooking demos and classes at the new JTA Education Center, and more!  Space for this event is limited – email us at make your reservation.

Today’s recipe, Zesty Tex-Mex Watermelon Salad, is a perfect example of a combination of foods known to fight chronic inflammation.  Think healthy, fresh, clean ingredients stirred into a delicious Spring treat!