I like the start of a new year for all the potential it represents. It’s also a time to reflect on the past year. We can notice our accomplishments and challenges and note where we are doing well and where we would like to improve. This deliberate review helps us identify the changes we want to make in order to have a more positive, fulfilling and healthier life.

Research shows that finding the personal value and meaning behind your resolutions is the key to creating successful and sustainable changes! When we value something, it becomes an important personal priority. Finding value and meaning in our lifestyle is what keeps us committed even when it may be challenging – those times when we would rather sink back to comfortable old patterns or when we feel the pull of others’ unhealthy choices. Meaning is what gives us the strength to stay committed to our choices and ourselves.

You can start by asking yourself the following questions as a way to gage the value and meaning behind a healthy eating resolution.

Why is following a healthy eating style important to me? Do I want to eat healthier for health reasons, to prevent or reverse disease, or to lose weight?  How is eating a balanced, healthy diet going to make me feel?

Take some time to reflect on these questions. When establishing meaning, it is important to look at how it will make you feel and the impact it will make in your life. The motivation for feeling good is much more powerful and sustainable than making changes out of fear, anger or guilt!