It is easy to set new goals at the beginning of each year but much more difficult to achieve them. We tend to start off excited and motivated, but by July less than 40% will still be working towards these New Year’s goals.

Developing a plan to help guide you to success is important. It is one thing to dream about achieving your goal and another thing to reach your final destination. Below are a few key tips to help make 2015 a successful journey!

Start Small. Divide your long term goal into smaller ones and celebrate small victories to maintain motivation. Rewarding yourself for being successful has proven to be beneficial, but we recommend non-food rewards.

Be Reasonable. Identify current physical ability. The CDC recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular exercise each week. Try starting with a 15 minute walk after dinner 3 nights a week.

Don’t Deprive Yourself. Moderation is key. Deprivation diets tend not to be sustainable. Focus on healthier choices and smaller portions.

Give yourself the opportunity to be successful. Small successes breed confidence, and confidence gives us the courage to continue moving toward our goal. Identify areas where you may self-sabotage and spend time thinking of why. Once the “why” is discovered, come up with some ideas of how to prevent this in the future.

There is no short cut on the road to finding true health, therefore hard work and dedication are necessary. On your journey this year, when you find yourself being successful, rejoice and celebrate. You have earned it!